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Medical Advertising on Social Media and its influence on Civil Responsibility

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Agenda 30/10/2023 às 15:55
  1. Global Web Index (2019).

  2. The concept of disruptive innovation came around in 1997, with Clayton M. Christensen’s work “Innovation Dilemma”.

  3. Santos (2018) clarifies that Industry 4.0 makes it easy for “Smart Factories” to view and execute actions through their modular structures; cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the real world, and make de-centralized decisions.

  4. According to Rachid et al (2023), digital health involves the incorporation of new technologies and potentially resets the relationship between State and society, in a process called platformization – that is, the management of health services through reading large volumes of data in a digital ecosystem.

  5. Scheffer (2023).

  6. Scheffer (2023).

  7. Acronym for the Regional Medical Board.


  9. Scheffer (2023).

  10. PROVMED 2030 (2023, my translation).

  11. Scheffer (2023).

  12. ISAPS (2022).

  13. REVISTA CRESCER. Imagem corporal: 38% das meninas de 4 anos estão insatisfeitas com seus corpos, July, 2019. Available at: https://revistacrescer.globo.com/Criancas/. Visited on: 20 June 2023.

  14. ISAPS (2022).

  15. 14AAFPRS. American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Available at: <https:// www.aafprs.org>. Access on: 20 June 2023.

  16. Brazilian Plastic Surgery magazine – in SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE CIRURGIA PLASTICA (2018).

  17. In 1886, Enrico Morselli reported a condition which he called body dysmorphia.


  19. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE MINAS GERAIS (Minas Gerais Court of Justice). TJ-MG (my translation).

  20. DINIZ (1998, my translation).

  21. SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA. STJ Rel. Ministro Ancy Andrighi.

  22. SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA. STJ Rel. Ministro Marco Buzzi.

  23. INSPER - Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa. Relatório Final de Pesquisa. Conselho Nacional de Justiça, 2019. Available at: https://www.insper.edu.br/conhecimento/direito/judicializacao-da-saudedispara-e-ja-custa-r-13-bi-a-uniao/. Access on: 20 June 2023.

  24. IBSP - Instituto Brasileiro para Seguranca do Paciente. Dez por cento dos pacientes deve sofrer evento adverso em internação, 2015. Available at: https://ibsp.net.br/. Access on: 20 June 2023.


  26. DARE PORTAL. Digital 2023: Brazil. 2023. Available at: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2023-brazil. Access on: 20 June 2023.

  27. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE MINAS GERAIS. TJ-MG - AC: 20274211001 MG, Relator: Fernando Lins, 26 October 2022, Camaras Civeis / 20a CAMARA CIVEL, Published in 27 Ocrober 2022.

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  28. Stoco (2023, my translation).

  29. CREMESP (2022).

  30. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. TJRS - CER: No 70067085787 RS, Rel: Carlos Eduardo Richinitti. Date of trial: 29 January 2016, Published on 19 July 2016.

  31. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE MINAS GERAIS. TJ-MG. Apelacao Civel - MG 6057260- 96.2015.8.13.0024. 16a CAMARA CIVEL. Date of trial: 27 February 2020.

  32. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. TJ-RS - AC: No 70042838466 RS, Rel: Marilene Bonzanini Bernardi. Date of trial: 26 October 2022, 9a CAMARA CIVEL, Published: 19 December 2012.

  33. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE SAO PAULO. TJ-SP - APL: 01095440520098260002 SP 0109544-05.2009.8.26.0002, Rel: J.B. Paula Lima, Date of trial: 27 September 2016, 10a Camara de Direito Privado, Pubished on: 28 September 2016.

  34. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. TJ-RS - AC: No 70042838466 RS, Relatora: Marilene Bonzanini Bernardi. Date: 26 October 2022, 9a CAMARA CIVEL, Published on: 19 December 2012.

  35. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. TJ-RS - CER: No 70067085787 RS, Relator: Carlos Eduardo Richinitti. Date of trial: 29 January 2016, 9a CAMARA CIVEL, Published on 19 July 2016.

  36. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. TJ-RS - AC: No 70042838466 RS, Relatora: Marilene Bonzanini Bernardi. Date of trial: 26 October 2022, 9a CAMARA CIVEL, Published on: 19 de dezembro de 2012.

  37. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE SANTA CATARINA. TJ-SC - APL: 03030772520168240038, Relator: Silvio Dagoberto Orsatto, Primeira Camara de Direito Civil. Date of trial: 25 May 2023. 37 SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA. STJ AgInt No 2010474 - AM 2022/0193364-7. Rel. Ministro Luis Felipe Salomao. QUARTA TURMA, Julgado em 19 September 2013, Date: 25 September 2013.

  38. SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA. STJ AgInt No 2010474 - AM 2022/0193364-7. Rel. Ministro Luis Felipe Salomao. QUARTA TURMA, Julgado em 19 September 2013, DJe: 25 September 2013.

  39. Stoco (2013, p. 743-744, my translation).

  40. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE MINAS GERAIS. TJ-MG. Apelacao Civel - MG 1.0000.20.034947- 0/001. 20a CAMARA CIVEL. Date of trial: 20 July 2020.

  41. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE SAO PAULO. TJ-SP - APL: 01095440520098260002 SP 0109544- 05.2009.8.26.0002, Relator: J.B. Paula Lima, Date of trial: 27 September 2016, 10a Camara de Direito Privado, published on: 28 September 2016.

  42. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA DE MINAS GERAIS. TJ-MG - AC: No 1.00 24.14.280706-4/007 MG, Relator Pedro Bernardes de Oliveira. Date of trial: 23 August 2022, 9a CAMARA CIVEL, published on: 23 August 2022.

  43. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. TJ-RJ - AC: No 0010552-97.2011.8.19.0207 RJ, Jose Roberto Portugal Compasso. Date of trial: 26 October 2022, 16a CAMARA CIVEL, published on: 26 October 2022.

  44. SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICA. STJ AgInt No 2010474 - AM 2022/0193364-7. Rel. Ministro Marco Buzzi. trial on 04 February 2014, DJe 21 February 2014.

  45. TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. TJ-RJ - AC: No 0010552-97.2011.8.19.0207 RJ, Jose Roberto Portugal Compasso. Date of trial: 26 October 2022, 16a CAMARA CIVEL, Published on: 26 October 2022.

Sobre o autor
Renato Assis

Advogado desde 2006, Dr. Renato Assis divide seu tempo na advocacia com as funções de professor de direito, escritor, empresário e líder de sua equipe de advogados altamente qualificada. Suas principais áreas de atuação são o Direito Médico, Terceiro Setor e Direito Ambiental e Minerário. Sua atuação, focada em alta performance e excelência nos resultados, lhe rendeu uma série de títulos nacionais e internacionais.

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