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1964 - 2016:minha vida entre dois golpes

Agenda 10/05/2016 às 13:58

Aqueles que hoje estão sorrindo, amanhã estarão chorando. Todo mundo sabe como um golpe começa, ninguém sabe como uma guerra civil ou quem ela irá atropelar.

A julgar pelo que ocorreu nos dois últimos dias, não há mais a menor possibilidade de esconder o que está ocorrendo e o que vai ocorrer no Brasil. Em razão disto, resolvi disto resolvi fazer uma declaração pública de natureza pessoal.

Não vou me dirigir aos advogados, pois vários deles aderiram ao golpe de estado por uma razão ou por outra. Os que combatem o mesmo o fazem por razões que não precisam ser aqui repetidas. Também não vou me dirigir aos brasileiros em geral. A nação foi irremediavelmente dividida em três partes pela imprensa golpista: há os que defendem a legalidade; os que não querem tomar conhecimento do que está ocorrendo e; aqueles que desejam rasgar 54 milhões de votos como se nenhuma reação fosse ocorrer.

Minha comunicação nem mesmo será feita em português. Meu texto se destina amigos europeus e norte-americanos que fiz no Twitter e no Facebook. Ei-lo:

"Good morning, my name is Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro, I am a Brazilian lawyer and I need to say a few things before it's too late. There is a coup in Brazil and everything will change for my country and probably for me.

  • 1964 - months before I was born my father threw the dish with the food and cutlery on the TV screen when it was announced the military coup. He is against it.

  • 1965/1967 - my father spent hiding seasons not be found, Cops raid a lot and violently my family home wanting to imprison or kill him.

  • 1967 - my mother picks up her 3 children and moves to a small town to escape the family situation created by the Brazilian dictatorship.

  • 1971 - shootout between leftist guerrillas and Cops in the small town where I lived. A Cop with the same name of my maternal grandfather is shot in the neck, people believe that my grandfather died. The shooting took place in front of my paternal grandfather's house. Brazilian Army camp near to my new home.

  • 1971-1972 - at the school I am forced to study the biographies of the generals who gave the coup that broke up my family.

  • 1972 - my father's visits cause me estrangement since I gotten used to call my grandfather's of "father-grandfather".

  • 1973 - I get time with my father in São Paulo, I remember 3 things of this event: I see Bugs Bunny on TV for the first time, I get the last tram circulating in São Paulo and go to the Town Hall where my father worked.

  • 1974 - my mother switches back to São Paulo, my father comes to visit more the family, but I still consider him a stranger.

  • 1978 - my father is retired and back to live with us, he suffers from chronic depression and never speak of the past or of his friends who are torture or kill by the Brazilian dictatorship.

  • 1979/1987 - conflicts between me and my father are very intense and grow over the years.

  • 1987/1988 - I work as a lawyer apprentice in the same place that hosted the Communist Party to which my father belonged. This place was frequented by my father in the fifties, but I do not know it at the time.

  • 1989/1994 - as a lawyer I defend thousands of workers at various Unions and help to organize a lot negotiations and strikes.

  • 1994/2016 - my life goes another way, but I still defend workers in lawsuits and I manifest politically always in favor of workers party.

  • 2016 - like my father in 1964, year I was born, I am opposed to a new coup and I certainly will suffer the consequences soon.

  • 1964/2016 - the fascism revival in Brazil brings me closer to my father, but he died years ago without seeing the new tragedy of Brazilian people. In the last 10 years of my father's life I made peace with him, I learned that we were both crushed by History.

  • 2016 - now I'm one step closer to being crushed by History again, but I'm happy because I do not have a son. My fate is sad, not more sad that the fate of a father who was afraid to see his son mistreated by his enemies. Iit is my duty to accept my fate and I will do it with joy, I will not dishonor my father life and tragedy accepting the coup of Michel Temer. He is a tyrant and he will never have my loyalty. And I will fight against his government until the end. Thank you."

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Sobre o autor
Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro

Advogado em Osasco (SP)

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