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Processo Civil no Direito Americano

Agenda 08/05/2019 às 17:26

Resumo de como funciona o Processo Civil nos Estados Unidos

Civil Procedure — Attack Outline


Commencing a trial



Discovery and disclosure





Can be deposed

N/A (but can be deposed)


Cannot be deposed generally, though maybe under FRCP 35(b) examiner exception

Cannot be deposed


Summary judgment





Direct attacks

Can also grant relief within a reasonable time if:


Governing law in diversity cases


Alternative proceedings (Hamdi, right to a lawyer, arbitration, Germany, etc.)

Civil Procedure — Full Outline


Personal jurisdiction


Subject-matter jurisdiction










Transfer statute

Conflicts law applied

Forum 1 venue proper, inconvenient. PJ satisfied.

§ 1404

Forum 1

Forum 1 venue improper. PJ satisfied.

§ 1406

Probably Forum 2

Forum 1 venue improper. No PJ.

§ 1406

Forum 2

Forum 1 venue proper. No PJ.

§ 1404, § 1406, or “gloss”

Forum 2.

See Goldlawr v. Heiman

Forum 1 venue proper, PJ, but contract has forum clause

§ 1404

Forum 2. See Âtlantic Marine

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Forum non conveniens




Complaint and pleading standards


Response to a complaint


Amending the pleadings



Class actions



And, “the litigation is so conducted as to insure the full and fair consideration of the common issue.”


Court also remands to Kansas Supreme Court to determine applicable choice of law.






Claim Preclusion / res judicata






Issue Preclusion / Collateral estoppel


Policing the pleadings


Discovery Procedure and Rules








Summary judgment


Judges and juries


Judgment as a matter of law (JMOL), RJMOL/JNOV

Motion for a new trial


Direct attacks


Governing law in diversity cases




Alternative proceedings (Hamdi, right to a lawyer)


What process is due?



Right to a lawyer


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