- Offshore é um termo da língua inglesa e que significa afastado da costa, na tradução para o português. Em termos financeiros, é designada por offshore uma empresa que tem a sua contabilidade num país distinto daquele (s) onde exerce a sua atividade.
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Abstract: Cases of corruption, money laundering, and various economic crimes have been recurrent in Brazil. The present article will highlight how the state combats the crimes of money laundering and other economic crimes, the effectiveness of the law of money laundering and a possible update. By means of the deductive method, it will be demonstrated how the institute of compliance can be a valuable ally in the fight against corruption, by means of a solid and preventive structure, in order to fight corruptive practices at their origin, avoiding losses of values with the public power. Finally, to demonstrate the advantages in updating the law of money laundering allied to, in the act of a new text, also bringing an institute in which one can prevent and considerably reduce the illicit acts, by means of a serious program and a public-private partnership, without state interference, making the system as transparent as possible.
Key-words: Compliance. Prevention. Public Administration. Economic Crimes. Compliance in the Public Sector.