Imagem de capa do autor Sérgio Tenreiro Tomás

Sérgio Tenreiro Tomás


Born in Lisbon (Portugal) in 1976. LLB in Law. PhD Labour Law. Is an Assistant Professor at the Portucalense University teaching several subjects at LLB and LLM Law and Law for Solicitors (Labour Law, Criminal Law, Methodology, Family Law, Company Law). Secretary-General and member of the IJP - Portucalense Institute for Legal Research. Associated coordinator of the Research Group "Democracy and governance for the 21st century". Thesis Advisor in Labour Law. Formator in Labour Law. Speaker, moderator and coordinator at seminars and specialist congresses in Labour, Family and Criminal Law, Gender and Human Rights. Reviewer of several national and international law journals. Author of several scientific articles (books, book chapters, peer review journals, other journals, opinion articles)

Publicações de Sérgio Tenreiro Tomás