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O inquérito das “fake news” no STF:

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Agenda 20/08/2024 às 16:42


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Abstract: This scientific research was carried out under the pretext of raising questionable items, mainly regarding injuries to the Accusatory Principle, in Inquiry 4781/DF, the so-called “Fake News Inquiry”. The investigative procedure object of this article is the result of the Federal Supreme Court's understanding that attacks on its members, within the scope of social networks, fall within what article 43 of the Internal Regulations of the Supreme Court describes as “seat or dependency of the Court”, once the offenses uttered against the members of the Colendo STF were classified as a crime, and, therefore, led to the opening of the investigation within the Collegiate Body itself. This scientific piece analyzed topics that raise suspicion of violation of the Accusatory system, taking into account some bottlenecks present in the procedure, such as the opening of the investigation by those who appear as victims, the conduct of it precisely by those who initiated it and its future processing in the same House, that is, an offense against the maxim of criminal proceduralism of the separation of the accusing and judging bodies. In this sense, the methodology used to uncover the incidence, or not, of defects was the analysis of doctrines consistent with the theme and jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court and Superior Courts.

Key words: Accusatory. Inquisitive. STF. Fake News. Inquiry.

Sobre o autor
Murilo Benício Magalhães Araújo

Natural de Brasília-DF, Murilo é estudante de Direito pelo Centro Universitário Dom Pedro II. Com passagem por estágios em escritório de advocacia e no MPF.

Como citar este texto (NBR 6023:2018 ABNT)

ARAÚJO, Murilo Benício Magalhães. O inquérito das “fake news” no STF:: uma possível violação ao sistema acusatório. Revista Jus Navigandi, ISSN 1518-4862, Teresina, ano 29, n. 7720, 20 ago. 2024. Disponível em: https://jus.com.br/artigos/110620. Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.

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