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[1] One general critique of the interpretive history of the National Labor Relations Act. The Act, like most of the social legislation of the past forty-five years, is now coming under attack. Government regulation in many spheres of economic life is being curtailed, and the liberal programs of the past are being dismantled. In this context, there is also likely to be a reexamination of the rights of labor conferred by the Act. This article, in criticizing the prevailing interpretations of the Act, does not propose that the Act be jettisoned for its failures. On the contrary, it urges a substantive interpretation of labor relations. (STONE, Katherine van Wezel. The Post-War Paradigm in American Labor Law. The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 90, Nº 7 (jun., 1981), p. 1509-1580 Disponível em <>. Acesso em: 09 de dezembro de 2021).
[2] In particular, the arbitration clauses included in most collective bargaining agreements can have substantial impact upon the rights of black workers who allege both racial discrimination and contract violation-rights which these legislative and doctrinal developments seek to protect (GOULD, William B. Labor Arbitration of Grievances Involving Racial Discrimination.University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 118, Nº. 1 (nov., 1969), p. 40-68 Disponível em <> Acesso em: 09 de dezembro de 2021).