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1 A expressão AI Act se refere ao projeto de estrutura regulatória de IA na União Europeia.
Abstract: With the technological awakening and the growing feeling of insecurity and threat, the indiscriminate use of technologies in the search for security becomes viable, making the use of predictive systems based on artificial intelligence and algorithms common. From this perspective, the question arises as to what would be the limit so that the use of such predictive technologies, increasingly used to identify possible locations of crimes, offenders and victims, do not become tools for harming the rights inherent to the individual. In this way, the existence of a change in the police's own modus operandi in relation to individuals stands out, thus reflecting an injury to constitutional principles, making it necessary to understand machine learning, in a supervised or unsupervised way and its consequences, failures and accountability. The overlap between national security and civil freedom, with an emphasis on racial and gender discrimination, the lack of clarity regarding the functioning of these systems and the scarcity of a legal framework on the subject, directly affects the social body and its fundamental rights. Furthermore, the research concludes that the use of biased predictive technologies directly results in the stigmatization of a specific social group, identified as 'criminal', supporting the theory of the labeling approach and, characterizing, in the words of Becker (2011), the paradox that exists in a situation in which risks cause the increase in techniques that aim for safety and control, but which concomitantly end up generating new risks.
Key words : Predictive policing. Artificial intelligence. Fundamental rights.