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Educação inclusiva como direito de todos.

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Agenda 04/10/2020 às 22:40


Em 5 de outubro de 2020, o partido Rede Sustentabilidade ajuizou a Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental nº 751, que foi distribuída ao Ministro Dias Toffoli. (Veja aqui as peças processuais ).


1 Martinha Clarete Dutra dos Santos. Do direito à educação. Educação inclusiva: direito incondicional e indisponível. In: Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência Comentada. Joyce Marquezin Setubal, Regiane Alves Costa Fayan (org.). Campinas: Fundação FEAC, 2017, 1ª edição revisada. https://www.feac.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Lei-Brasileira-de-Inclusao-da-Pessoa-com-Deficiencia_vol.II_.pdf

2 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

3 https://diversa.org.br/educacao-inclusiva/por-onde-comecar/conceitos-fundamentais/

4 Martinha Clarete Dutra dos Santos. Do direito à educação. Educação inclusiva: direito incondicional e indisponível. In: Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência Comentada. Joyce Marquezin Setubal, Regiane Alves Costa Fayan (org.). Campinas: Fundação FEAC, 2017, 1ª edição revisada. https://www.feac.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Lei-Brasileira-de-Inclusao-da-Pessoa-com-Deficiencia_vol.II_.pdf

5 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

6 https://diversa.org.br/educacao-inclusiva/por-onde-comecar/conceitos-fundamentais/

7 https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/Constituicao/Emendas/Emc_anterior1988/emc12-78.htm

8 Ministério Público Federal. Procuradoria Federal dos Direitos do Cidadão. O acesso de pessoas com deficiência às classes e escolas comuns da rede regular de ensino. Brasília, 2003. https://pfdc.pgr.mpf.mp.br/atuacao-e-conteudos-de-apoio/publicacoes/pessoa-com-deficiencia/manual_acesso_pessoas_com_deficiencia.pdf

9 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

10 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

11 Há apenas mais uma norma internacional que seguiu o mesmo rito: é o Tratado de Marraqueche para Facilitar o Acesso a Obras Publicadas às Pessoas Cegas, com Deficiência Visual ou com outras Dificuldades para Ter Acesso ao Texto Impresso. https://www4.planalto.gov.br/legislacao/portal-legis/internacional/tratados-equivalentes-a-emendas-constitucionais-1

12 Luiz Alberto David Araujo. O Supremo Tribunal Federal e o dever de incluir: um vetor claro e inequívoco do direito à educação superior no Brasil. In: Educar em Revista, Curitiba, Brasil, n. especial 3, p. 43-53, dez. 2017. https://www.scielo.br/pdf/er/nspe.3/0104-4060-er-03-43.pdf

13 STF, ADI 5.357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

14 Nota Técnica nº 62/2011 da Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão - SECADI e da Diretoria de Políticas de Educação Especial - DPEE. https://www.crianca.mppr.mp.br/arquivos/File/download/nota_tecnica_62.pdf

15 https://pfdc.pgr.mpf.mp.br/atuacao-e-conteudos-de-apoio/temas-de-atuacao/inclusao-para-pessoas-com-deficiencia/educacao-inclusiva/documentos-tecnicos-pfdc/nota-tecnica-meta4-gt-inclusao

16 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

17 https://inclusaoja.com.br/2011/12/08/plano-nacional-de-educacao-inclusao-escolar-ameacada/

18 https://inclusaoja.com.br/2018/05/12/o-ministerio-da-educacao-quer-reformar-a-politica-de-inclusao-escolar/

19 Breves considerações sobre os deveres de proteção do Estado e a garantia da proibição de retrocesso em matéria ambiental. In: Revista de Direito Ambiental, n. 58, abr./jun. 2010. https://pfdc.pgr.mpf.mp.br/temas-de-atuacao/educacao/atuacao/recomendacao-1-2018-pfdc-mpf

20 STF, ARE 639.337 AgR, Rel. Min. Celso de Mello, 2ª Turma, j. 23/08/2011, DJe 14/9/2011. https://redir.stf.jus.br/paginadorpub/paginador.jsp?docTP=AC&docID=627428

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21 Voto do Relator. STF, ADI 5357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

22 Voto condutor. STF, ARE 639.337 AgR, Rel. Min. Celso de Mello, 2ª Turma, j. 23/08/2011, DJe 14/9/2011. https://redir.stf.jus.br/paginadorpub/paginador.jsp?docTP=AC&docID=627428

23 https://www2.camara.leg.br/atividade-legislativa/comissoes/comissoes-permanentes/cpd/documentos/relatorio-do-comite-da-onu-sobre-os-direitos-das-pessoas-com-deficiencia-traduzido-em-portugues

24 https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/GC.aspx

25 41. […] (a) Non-discrimination in all aspects of education and encompassing all internationally prohibited grounds of discrimination. States parties must ensure nonexclusion from education for persons with disabilities and eliminate structural disadvantages to achieve effective participation and equality for all persons with disabilities. They must urgently take steps to remove all legal, administrative and other forms of discrimination impeding the right of access to inclusive education. The adoption of affirmative action measures does not constitute a violation of the right to non-discrimination with regard to education, so long as such measures do not lead to the maintenance of unequal or separate standards for different groups.

26 70. The Committee urges States parties to transfer resources from segregated to inclusive environments. States parties should develop a funding model that allocates resources and incentives for inclusive educational environments to provide the necessary support to persons with disabilities. The determination of the most appropriate approach to funding will be informed to a significant degree by the existing educational environment and the requirements of potential learners with disabilities who are affected by it.

27 https://inclusaoja.com.br/2011/11/20/educacao-inclusiva-o-brasil-nao-pode-e-nao-ira-retroceder/

28 https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/carta-convocacao-contra-desmonte-da-pneepei.pdf

29 https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/GC.aspx

30 18. For article 24 (2) (a) to be implemented, the exclusion of persons with disabilities from the general education system should be prohibited, including through any legislative or regulatory provisions that limit their inclusion on the basis of their impairment or the degree of that impairment, such as by conditioning inclusion on the extent of the potential of the individual or by alleging a disproportionate and undue burden to evade the obligation to provide reasonable accommodation. […]

31 29. Specific measures adopted by States parties under article 5 (4) of the Convention must be consistent with all its principles and provisions. In particular, they must not result in perpetuation of isolation, segregation, stereotyping, stigmatization or otherwise discrimination against persons with disabilities. Thus, States parties must consult closely with and actively involve representative organizations of persons with disabilities when they adopt specific measures.

32 40. Article 4 (2) requires that States parties take measures to themaximum of their available resources regarding economic, social and cultural rights and, where needed, within a framework of international cooperation, with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of those rights. Progressive realization means that States parties have a specific and continuing obligation to move as expeditiously and effectively as possible towards the full realization of article 24. This is not compatible with sustaining two systems of education: a mainstream education system and a special/segregated education system. Progressive realization must be read in conjunction with the overall objective of the Convention to establish clear obligations for States parties in respect of the full realization of the rights in question. Similarly, States parties are encouraged to redefine budgetary allocations for education, including by transferring part of their budgets to the development of inclusive education. […]

33 Manifesto do LEPED em repúdio ao desmonte da Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva (PNEEPEI/2008). https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/carta-convocacao-contra-desmonte-da-pneepei.pdf

34 Ministério Público Federal. Procuradoria Federal dos Direitos do Cidadão. Nota Técnica sobre a Meta 4 do Plano Nacional de Educação – PNE (PLC 103/2012). Brasília, 2013. https://pfdc.pgr.mpf.mp.br/atuacao-e-conteudos-de-apoio/temas-de-atuacao/inclusao-para-pessoas-com-deficiencia/educacao-inclusiva/documentos-tecnicos-pfdc/nota-tecnica-meta4-gt-inclusao

35 Juliana Izar Soares da Fonseca Segalla. Direito à educação. In: Manual dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência. São Paulo, Saraiva, 2012

36 Em defesa da Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva. Org. Maria Teresa Eglér Mantoan. Campinas: Unicamp, 2018. https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

37 Em defesa da Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva. Org. Maria Teresa Eglér Mantoan. Campinas: Unicamp, 2018. https://inclusaoja.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/texto-de-anc3a1lise-dos-slides-sobre-a-reforma-da-pneepei-final1.pdf

38 https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/GC.aspx

39 41. Progressive realization does not prejudice those obligations that are immediately applicable. As the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has stated in its general comment No. 3. (1990) on the nature of States parties’ obligations, States parties have a minimum core obligation to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, minimum essential levels of each aspect of the right to education. Therefore, States parties should implement the following core rights with immediate effect: (a) Non-discrimination in all aspects of education and encompassing all internationally prohibited grounds of discrimination. States parties must ensure nonexclusion from education for persons with disabilities and eliminate structural disadvantages to achieve effective participation and equality for all persons with disabilities. They must urgently take steps to remove all legal, administrative and other forms of discrimination impeding the right of access to inclusive education. The adoption of affirmative action measures does not constitute a violation of the right to non-discrimination with regard to education, so long as such measures do not lead to the maintenance of unequal or separate standards for different groups.

40 19. For article 4 (1) (b) of the Convention to be implemented,States parties should take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and practices that constitute discrimination against persons with disabilities and that are in violation of article 24.Where necessary, discriminatory laws, regulations, customs and practices should be repealed or amended in a systematic and timebound manner.

41 https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/GC.aspx

42 12. Equality and non-discrimination are principles and rights. The Convention refers to them in article 3 as principles and in article 5 as rights. They are also an interpretative tool for all the other principles and rights enshrined in the Convention. The principles/rights of equality and non-discrimination are a cornerstone of the international protection guaranteed by the Convention. Promoting equality and tackling discrimination are cross-cutting obligations of immediate realization. They are not subject to progressive realization.

43 STF, ADI 5357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

44 Voto do Relator. STF, ADI 5357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

45 Voto do Ministro Luiz Fux. STF, ADI 5357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

46 Eugênia Gonzaga. Direitos de pessoas com deficiência: garantia e igualdade na diversidade. 3ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: WVA Ed. 2012, p. 103

47 Apud voto da Ministra Rosa Weber. STF, ADI 5357, Rel. Min. Edson Fachin, Pleno, j. 9/6/2016, DJe 10/11/2016. https://portal.stf.jus.br/processos/downloadPeca.asp?id=310709378&ext=.pdf

48 STF, ARE 639.337 AgR, Rel. Min. Celso de Mello, 2ª Turma, j. 23/08/2011, DJe 14/9/2011. https://redir.stf.jus.br/paginadorpub/paginador.jsp?docTP=AC&docID=627428

49 Voto condutor. STF, ARE 639.337 AgR, Rel. Min. Celso de Mello, 2ª Turma, j. 23/08/2011, DJe 14/9/2011. https://redir.stf.jus.br/paginadorpub/paginador.jsp?docTP=AC&docID=627428

Sobre o autor
Paulo Gustavo Sampaio Andrade

Pós-graduado em Direito Constitucional pela Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI). Editor de conteúdo do Jus.com.br

Como citar este texto (NBR 6023:2018 ABNT)

ANDRADE, Paulo Gustavo Sampaio. Educação inclusiva como direito de todos.: Inconstitucionalidade do Decreto nº 10.502/2020 frente à Convenção Internacional de Nova York sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência. Revista Jus Navigandi, ISSN 1518-4862, Teresina, ano 25, n. 6304, 4 out. 2020. Disponível em: https://jus.com.br/artigos/85803. Acesso em: 6 mai. 2024.

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