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Sìndrome da Alienação Parental: uma iníqua falácia

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  • A alienação parental (AP) e a síndrome da alienação parental (SAP) são conceitos recentes no vocabulário jurídico brasileiro, tendo sido positivados pela Lei n. 12.318 de 2010, apesar de serem amplamente criticados e rejeitados pela comunidade científica internacional.

  • A SAP é vista como uma ferramenta que pode ser usada para mascarar abusos sexuais contra crianças, promover preconceito de gênero e violar os direitos das mulheres e crianças, sendo parte de um movimento conservador de reação contra os avanços dos direitos das mulheres.

  • No Brasil, a aplicação da lei de alienação parental tem sido questionada por seu uso acrítico e potencialmente prejudicial, com decisões judiciais baseadas em "indícios" que podem resultar na aplicação de penalidades severas e mudanças de guarda sem o devido suporte de estudos ou laudos técnicos.

Resumo criado por JUSTICIA, o assistente de inteligência artificial do Jus.


[4] Consulta em 4/9/2014.

[5] No original: "as a child unreasonable rejection of one parent due to the influence of the other parent combined with the child´s own contributions".  STAHL, Philip M. Understanding and Evaluating Alienation in High-Conflict Custody Cases, p.1. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[6] "Medea", Medeia em português, conhecido personagem mitológico, significando, com isso, a existência de sentimentos contraditórios e profundamente cruéis. BULFINCH, Thomas. O livro de ouro da mitologia: histórias de deuses e heróis. Tradução de David Jardim Júnior. 8 ed. rev. e ilustrada. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 1999, p.164.

[7] Curiosamente denominado de "divórcio relacionado à síndrome da mãe maliciosa". Tradução livre do original.

[8] "Alinhamento dos pais". Tradução livre do original.

[9] "Crianças programadas e submetidas a lavagem cerebral". Tradução livre do original.

[10] "Crianças com enorme fardo". Tradução livre do original.

[11] RAND, Deirdre C. Parental Alienation Critics and the Politics of Science, p.48.

[12] "Desordem da alienação parental". Tradução livre do original.

[13] "Alienação parental como problema relacional". Tradução livre do original.

[14] Gardner trabalhou grande parte de sua vida como perito judicial em litígios envolvendo casos de pedofilia, isto é, abuso sexual em que eram acusados os pais (homens), professores e membros de congregações religiosas (padres, pastores, bispos). Em seus laudos e textos, ele recomendava ao Tribunal a retirada das crianças da casa dos "alienantes" para colocá-los sob a guarda dos pais apontados como autores do abuso sexual. Sua teoria provocou compreensível e veemente oposição entre os profissionais de saúde mental do mundo inteiro. Assim, de fato, a teoria de Gardner acerca da alienação parental teve início a partir de demandas judiciais envolvendo abuso sexual infantil (pedofilia), o que era por ele considerado produto de uma espécie de histeria nacional. Gardner suicidou-se no ano de 2003.

[15] PAS – Parental alienation syndrome. O modelo linear de Gardner, no qual existe uma única causa (alienante) e um efeito óbvio (alienação), sugere que quando há uma criança que recusa a visitação e um(a) genitor(a) que apoia tal decisão, estaremos diante de um caso de alienação parental. STHAL, Philip M., Understanding and Evaluating Alienation in High-Conflict Custody Cases, p. 1.

[16]  No original: "Según el autor que lo inventó y le dio el estatus de síndrome "médico" (Gardner, 1985), se refiere a la "programación" o "lavado de cérebro" hecho por un progenitor sobre el niño, con el fin de "denigrar" y "vilipendiar" al otro progenitor (añadiéndose elaboraciones "construidas" por el proprio menor ) y así justificar la resistencia del niño/a a mantener una relación con dicho progenitor, al cual se define como alienado". Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, vol. 30, núm. 107, septiembre 2001, p. 535-49, Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, España. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[17] BERNET, William; BAKER, Amy J. L. Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11: Response to Critics, p. 2.

[18] Síndrome aqui tomada como o "conjunto de sintomas que se apresentam numa doença e que a caracterizam". In Dicionário eletrônico Michaelis, in

[19] RAND, Deidre C., Parental Alienation Critics and the Politics of Science, p. 48.

[20] No original: "The first group is comprised primarily of mental health professionals, divorce researchers, and others who work in the family law arena, where contested custody and visitation matters are heard. Critics in this group include contributors such as Wallerstein, Lewis, and Blakeslee (2000), Johnston, Kelly, and the other contributors to the special issue of Family Court Review (Schepard et al. (Eds.), 2001) and Emery, Otto and O´Donohue (2005). I refer to this group collectively as the Johnston/Kelly critics. According to these critics, the two most contentious issues in the PAS debate are Gardner´s emphasis on the causal role of the alienating parent, and the seemingly radical interventions which flow from that, such as changing custody to the hated parent. PAS critics in the second group identify themselves as advocates for abused women and children. Critics in this group include professionals such as Bruch (2001), Faller (1998), Myers (1997), and Walker, Brantley, and Rigsbee (2004), as well as grass roots activities such as Isman (1996) and California NOW (Heim, Grieco, Di Paola & Allen, 2002). I refer to this group as the feminist and child advocates. Critics in this group object to Gardner´s views on child abuse and frequently equate false allegations of sex of sex abuse with his definition of PAS, which is a misunderstanding. According to these critics, courts have uncritically accepted Gardner´s views on PAS and allegations of sex abuse. In their view, courts are quick to dismiss allegations of sex abuse by the father and to penalize protective mothers by giving the abusive father custody, thus putting the child in danger". RAND, Deidre C., Parental Alienation Critics and the Politics of Science, p. 49. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[21]No original: "First, Gardner confounds a child´s developmentally related reaction to divorce and high parental conflict (including violence) with psychosis. In doing so, he fails to recognise parent´s and children´s angry, often inappropriate and totally predictable behaviour following separation. Second, possibly as a consequence of these errors and his tail-of-the-elephant view, Gardner vastly overstates the frequency of cases in which children and custodial parents manufacture false allegations or collude to destroy the parent-child relationship. Taken together, these assertions have the practical effect of impugning all abuse allegations, allegations which Gardner asserts are usually false in the divorce context. Here, too, Gardner, cites no evidence in support of his personal view, ant the relevant literature reports the contrary-that such allegations are usually well founded. Third, in this fashion, PAS shifts attention away from the perhaps dangerous behaviour of the parent seeking custody to that of the custodial parent. This person, who may be attempting to protect the child, is instead presumed to be lying and poisoning the child. Fourth, Gardner believes that, particularly in serious cases, the relationship of an alienated child with the rejected parent will be irreparably damaged, probably ending for all time, unless immediate, drastic measures (custody transfer, isolation from the loved parent, and deprogramming) are taken. Here, too, reliable sources reveal that his theory is exaggerated, with all but unusual cases (for example, those appearing in violent families) resolving themselves as the children mature". BRUCH, Carol S., Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases, p. 383/385. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[22] No original: "Neither did Gardner (1992) pay sufficient attention to the psychological harm that could be caused by removing the child´s psychological parent who has provided security and developmental growth for the child. Gardner´s writings advocate breaking the parent-child bond on the identified alienator, who is treated as a mean, vicious, and hateful person without taking into account the detrimental effects on the child or parent. In a particularly compelling documentary, Gardner´s own words advise parents to "beat" the child who complains about a rejected parent (Waller, 2008)". Tradução livre e adaptada.

[23] Dicionário de Saúde Mental 5.ª edição ou DSM-5 é um manual diagnóstico e estatístico feito pela Associação Americana de Psiquiatria para definir como é feito o diagnóstico de transtornos mentais. Usado por psicólogos, médicos e terapeutas ocupacionais. A versão atualizada saiu em maio de 2013 e substitui o DSM-IV criado em 2000. Desde o DSM-I criado em 1952, esse manual tem sido uma das bases de diagnósticos de saúde mental mais usados no mundo. In Wikipédia, consulta em 11/8/2014.

[24] A Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados com a Saúde, frequentemente designada pela sigla CID ou ICD (do inglês International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) fornece códigos relativos à classificação de doenças e de uma grande variedade de sinais, sintomas, aspectos anormais, queixas, circunstâncias sociais e causas externas para ferimentos ou doenças. A cada estado de saúde é atribuída uma categoria única à qual corresponde um código, que contém até seis caracteres. Tais categorias podem incluir um conjunto de doenças semelhantes.

[25] No original: "One of the criticisms of our proposals has been the argument that there is not enough research for PA, PAS, parental alienation disorder (PAD), or parental alienation relational problem (PARP), to be considered a diagnosis in DSM or ICD. This criticism is reflected in the statement published by the American Psychological Association: "The American Psychological Association has no official position on "parental alienation syndrome."... There is no evidence within the psychological literature of a diagnosable parental alienation syndrome. In the three articles under consideration here, Walker and Shapiro wrote, "There is no... body of scientific, empirical, or clinical literature to support the construct of PAD" (Ref. 5, p. 279). Similarly, Houchin et al. said, "There remains a paucity of scientific evidence that PAS (or PAD) should be a psychiatric diagnosis" (Ref. 6, p 128). Pepiton et al. stated: "This book consists of mostly unsupported opinion and anecdotal reports... The book completely fails to provide documentation of any empirical research supporting such a condition or diagnosis and instead is long diatribe of a person promoting his own agenda with only anecdotal or unscientific references" (Ref. 7, p 252)". BERNET, Willian; BAKER, Amy J.L. Parental Alienation, DSM-5 and ICD-11: Response to Critics, p. 2. Tradução livre a adaptada.

[26] No original: "En los últimos años em España, lo mismo que en otros países de nuestro entorno, se ha ido infiltrado em las sentencias judiciales bajo la supuesta rúbrica científica del SAP argumentos para cambios de custodia u otras acciones legales de enorme repercúsion para el niño e la familia; argumentos sin embargo no aceptados por una amplia mayoria de profesionales de salud mental. Creemos que el éxito que ha tenido el término en el campo judicial se debe a que da una respuesta simple (y simplista) a un grave problema que preocupa y satura los juzgados de familia, facilitando argumentos pseudo-psicológicos o pseudo-científicos (Escuero, Aguilar y de la Cruz, 2008 a,b) a los abogados de aquellos progenitores litigantes por la custodia de sus hijos. Esta explicación puede ayudar a entender por qué ha sido aceptado, pese a sua falta de rigurosidad, sin apenas cuestionamentos. El riesgo actual de que tal "construcción de la realidad" se infiltre también en los sistemas diagnósticos internacionales, como el DSM V, ha hecho que muchas asociaciones y profesionales de diferentes países se pronunciem en contra de  este supuesto. (...) Que el SAP tal y cómo lo inventó Gardner no tiene ningún fundamento científico y si entraña graves riesgos su aplicación en la corte judicial". Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, p. 535-7. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[27] No original: "As discussed, alienation is almost alleged when the child does not want to be with a parent when there does not appear to be any ´rational´ reason for these feelings. Of course, the definition of "rational" in these cases remains totally subjective to the person making the evaluation. Although proponents of labeling these children with PAD claim that using this label will assist in treatment goals and techniques, there are no empirical data to support this position (Bernet, 2010). Using the definition put forward by the American Psychological Association (APA) which requires two scientific studies replicating each other, there are no empirically validated interventions that support evidence that forcing a child to be with an unwanted parent will promote mental health". Tradução livre e adaptada.

[28] No original: "Walker and Shapiro attributed an ulterior motive to the mental health professionals who developed the proposal that PA be included in DSM-5. They said, "The proposed category of PAD is specifically designed for use during high-conflict divorce cases" (Ref.5, p.278). Along the same lines, Houchin et al. opined, "As with any heated controversy, one must examine the possible financial motivations that may influence the positions of those engaged in debate. Unfortunately, to get a good sense of PAS´s support, one has only to follow the money trail" (Ref. 6, p. 129). They also said, "One has to wonder if some of the interest on the part of mental health practitioners supporting the inclusion of PAS or PAD in DSM-5 has more to do with economic self-interest than with any belief that it would lead to improved clinical practice" (Ref.6, p. 130)." BERNET, Willian; BAKER, Amy J.L., Parental Alienation, DSM:5, and ICD-11: Response to Critics, p. 5-6. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[29] De acordo com Bruch, "in the few reported cases in which Gardner´s proffered testimony was challenged or the validity of PAS was otherwise questioned, courts usually exclude his testimony and reliance on PAS" (p. 388). E ainda, "Dr. Paul J. Fink,  past president of the American Psychiatric Association and president of the Leadership Council on Mental Health, Justice, and the Media, for example, has stated quite bluntly, ´PAS as a scientific theory has been excoriated by legitimate researchers across the nation. Judged solely on his merits, Dr. Gardner should be a rather pathetic footnote or an example of poor scientific standards" (p. 399). Em tradução livre e adaptada. BRUCH, Carol S., Parental Alienation Syndrome an Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases.

[30] No original: "(...) sus trabajos han sido permanentemente cuestionados por la comunidad científica, dado que sus teorías no se basan en métodos de investigación estandardizados, ni han sido sometidos a estudios empíricos de validación. La prueba de ello es que ningún trabajo de Gardner ha sido aceptado para su publicación en una revista científica. Habría que agregar que todos sus libros han sido publicados por una editorial de su propriedad: Creative Therapeutics". CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que entrãnan las teorias pseudocientíficas como base de las decisiones judiciales, p. 2. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[31] No original: "Las bases sobre las que se construye el " castillo en el aire" del SAP corresponden a la descripción que hace R. Gardner en 1985 basándose en sus opininones personales y en autocitas. En uno de sus artículos considerados "seminales", de 16  referencias bibliográficas, 15 corresponden a auto-citas de trabajos del proprio Gardner (2004)". Revista de la Associación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, p. 536. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[32] No original: "Although many medical associations say parental alienation syndrome is a myth, it is commonly used to help gain custody of a child, even when evaluators say the parent is abusing the child. It´s such a powerful legal tool that lawyers attend seminars on how best to use it". KEATING, G. (February 11, 2001). Group seeks reform for family court Bias against women alleged. San Gabriel Valley News (Pasadena, CA) in DALLAM, Stephanie. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[33] No original: "In 1994, the American Psychological Association´s Council of Representatives found that there were no empirical data to support PAS as a diagnosis and cautioned psychologists that it was unethical to use any diagnosis without supporting data. This pronouncement occurred after the Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family, chaired by Walker, reviewed the available literature and took testimony from psychologists around the United States (c.f. APA, 1996). The concept of PAS has been modified during the past 20 years, and the idea of a syndrome has been dropped while the mostly untested clinical details originally proposed by Gardner remain as the core of PAD (Bernet, 2010). In fact, prior to Gardner´s death, he, too, proposed dropping the "syndrome" requirement and only recommended introduction of parental alienation in the courts (Gardner, 2002)". (p. 276) "First and foremost, psychologists are required to base findings on empirically, scientifically, or clinically validated assessments. Since there is no such body of scientific, empirical, or clinical literature to support the construct of PAD, a psychologist who renders such a conclusion is immediately involved in ethically questionable behaviour (APA, 2002)". (p. 279) " Finally, and perhaps most important, is the harm that can come from forcing a child to have contact with an abusive or violent parent, following a finding that the other parent has alienated the child. Ethically, all mental health professionals are required to take reasonable steps to prevent harm where is reasonably foreseeable. Making a recommendation that a child spend time with a parent whom he or she fears based on a questionable finding of PAD clearly violates this ethical standard". Tradução livre e adaptada.

[34] No original: "A batterer who does file for custody will frequently win, as he has numerous advantages over his partner in custody litigation. These include, 1)his typical ability to afford better representation (often while simultaneously insisting that he has no money with which to pay child support), 2) his marked advantage over his victim in psychological testing, since she is the one who has been traumatized by the abuse, 3)his ability to manipulate custody evaluators to be sympathetic to him, an 4) his ability to manipulate and intimidate the children regarding their statements to the custody evaluator(p.5)". CANCROFT, L.R. (1998). Understanding the batterer in custody and visitation disputes. In DALLAM, Stephanie. Tradução livre e adaptada.

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[35] DALLAM, Stephanie, citando Goelman, D.M., Lehrman, F.L., & Valent, R.L. (Eds.). (1996) The impact of domestic violence on your legal practice: A lawyer´s handbook. Washington D.C.: ABA Commission on Domestic Violence. No original:  "be aware that many perpetrators of domestic violence are facile manipulators, presenting themselves as caring, cooperative parents and casting the abused parent as a diminished, conflict-inciting, impulsive or over-protective parent". Tradução livre e adaptada.

[36] No original: "This accusation (of parental alienation disorder) is made by abusive ex-husbands and is intended to cause the courts to disregard mothers ´claims of  fathers´ physical or sexual abuse in an effort to gain the fathers´ full of joint custody". BERNET, William; BAKER, Amy J.L. Parental Alienation, DSM-5 and ICD-11: Response to Critics, p. 5. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[37] No original: "In recent years, use of term PAS has been extended dramatically to include cases of all types in which a child refuses to visit the noncustodial parent, whether or not the child´s objections entail abuse allegations. Although Dr Gardner sometimes states that his analysis does not apply to cases of actual abuse, the focus of his attention is directed at discerning whether the beloved parent and child are lying, not whether the target parent is untruthful or has behaved in a way that might explain the child´s aversion. His recommended treatment for serious case is to transfer custody of the child from the beloved custodial parent to the rejected parent for deprogramming. This may entail institutional care for a transitional period, and all contact, even telephone calls, with the primary caregiver must be terminated for `at least a few weeks`. Only after reverse- brainwashing may the child slowly be reintroduced to the earlier custodian through supervised visitation". BRUCH, Carol S., Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases, p. 381. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[38] No original: "victims of domestic violence often appear much less stable, suffering the psychological effects from the trauma of the abuse, and are often "less likely to have adequate financial resources and stable housing, and (are) more likely to remove the children from their current educational environment, home, and community". JACK, Jennifer, Child custody and domestic violence allegations: New York´s approach to custody proceedings involving intimate partner abuse, p. 904. Tradução livre e adaptada. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[39] No original: "...en mi opinión, muchos de los escritos de Gardner, incluyendo su Parental Alienation Syndrome, son discriminatorios y perjuiciosos contra la mujer. Esta parcialidad de género "infecta" el síndrome, y logra una poderosa herramienta para menoscabar la credibilidad de las mujeres que denunciam abuso sexual infantil. Porque el PAS perpetúa y exarceba la discriminación de género contra la mujer, yo considero que el síndrome arroja mucha más sombra que luz sobre este difícil tema...". MYERS, E.B., apud CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que entrañan las teorias pseudocientificas como base de las decisiones judiciales, p. 4. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[40] No original: "En la aplicación ideologizada del concepto, la responsabilidad por el impedimento es adjudicada en la casi totalidad de los casos a la madre, pasando por alto las decisiones judiciales fundamentadas em la conducta abusiva del padre, y desvinculando el derecho de convivencia de la voluntad de los hijos e hijas. Es decir, hay un fuerte énfasis en los derechos del padre, en detrimento de los derechos a la protección de sus hijos/as que pueda ejercer la madre".  CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que entrañan las teorias pseudocientificas como base de las decisiones judiciales, p. 2-3. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[41] No original: "Research indicates that custody litigation can become a vehicle whereby batterers and child abusers attempt to extend or maintain their control and authority over their victims after separation. Although, research has not found a higher incidence of false allegations of child abuse and domestic violence in the context of custody/visitation, officers of the court tend to be unreasonably suspicious of such claims and that too often custody decisions are based on ban science, misinterpretation of fact, and evaluator bias. As a result, many abused women and their children find themselves revictimized by the justice system after separation". DALLAM, Stephanie (diretora de pesquisa do The Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence, Baltimore, USA), Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[42] No original:  "97% of the mothers reported that court personnel ignored or minimized reports of abuse and that they were punished for trying to protect their children. 45%of the mothers say there labeled as having Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)". STAHLY G.B; KRAJEWSKI L.; Loya, B.; GERMAN G.; FARRIS W.; HILSON, N.; VALENTINE, J. (2004). Protective Mothers in Child Custody Disputes: A Study of Judicial Abuse. In Disorder in the Courts: Mothers and Their Allies Take on the Family Law System (a collection of essays) in DALLAM, Stephanie, Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[43] No original: "noting that, although research indicates that false accusations of sexual abuse during child custody disputes are not a common occurrence, lawyers tend to advise women not to raise allegations of sexual abuse because they will jeopardize their chances of receiving custody". Law Society of British Columbia Gender Bias Committee (1992). Gender equality in the justice system, Volume II. Author. (as cited in: Penfold, S.P. (1997). Questionable beliefs about child sexual abuse allegations during custody disputes. Canadian Journal of Family Law, 14, 11-30) in Stephanie Dallam, Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[44] No original: "mothers are told by their lawyer, the law guardian or the judge not to oppose visitation, even when they felt it was unsafe or when their children protested". The Voices of Women Organizing Project (VOW) 2008 Justice Denied: How Family Courts in NYC Endanger Battered Women and Children. Brooklyn, NY: Battered Women´s Resource Center in Stephanie Dallam, Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[45] No original: "In this context, the nonviolent parent may be a disadvantage, and behaviour that would seem reasonable as a protection from abuse may be misinterpreted as a sign of instability. Psychological evaluators not trained in domestic violence may contribute to this process by ignoring os minimizing the violence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women´s responses to chronic victimization. Terms such as ´parental alienation´ may be use to blame the women for the children´s reasonable fear or anger toward their violent father (p.100)". American Psychological Association (1996). Report of the American Psychological Association presidential task force on violence and the family. Washington, DC in DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[46] No original:"El sesgo de género en las descripciones del SAP es innegable. La mayoria de los cónyuges "alienadores" son en su opinión "mujeres que odian a los hombres". Cualquier intento de estar por rebelarse ante el riesgo de retirada de custodia de su hijo, se convierte en nuevas pruebas de la alienación y de la programación a que someten al hijo. Por otra parte cualquier intento de protesta del niño o niña se convierte, por mor de los criterios diagnósticos que Gardner inventó, en nuevos síntomas de su programación. Incluso los terapeutas que argumentan en contra del SAP se convierten también, según Gardner, en sujetos vulnerables a la programación que entram a formar parte de sua especie de "folie à trois", en palabras, del proprio Gardner (1999). Es decir, en contra de cualquier planteamento científico, el SAP se construye de modo que nunca pueda ser refutado porque cualquier intento de refutación lo convierten, por si mismo en verdadero. Se desoyen con base al SAP las protestas o acusaciones del niño (y de la madre) de maltrato o abuso. Aunque Gardner especifica que en caso de abuso no se debe de diagnosticar de SAP, el riesgo de dejar a un niño cuyas quejas son descalificadas y no escuchadas por considerarlas producto de una programación, en manos de un progenitor maltratador es muy alto. A ello se suma el que los intentos de proteger al niño por parte del otro progenitor se convertien en mentiras y nuevos intentos de "programación". Se deja en manos de un potencial maltratador a un niño aislándolo de su único vínculo de protección". Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, p.536-7. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[47] No original: "Many men file proceedings to contest custody as a way of forcing an advantageous property settlement. Contrary to public perception, men are quite successful in obtaining residential custody of their children when they actually seek it". Report of the Florida Supreme Court Gender Bias Study Commission Executive Summary (March 1990) in DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[48]  No original: "The research found widespread adoption of "parental alienation syndrome", and found "a consistent pattern of human rights abuses" by family courts, including failure to protect battered women and children from abuse, discriminating against and inflicting degrading treatment on battered women, and denying battered women due process. Histories of abuse of mother and children are routinely ignored or discounted". Human Rights Tribunal on Domestic and Child Custody sponsored by Battered Mothers´Testimony. Project based at the Wellesley Centers for Women in Massachusetts (2002) in DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners?. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[49] No original: "al sistema de creencias que, introduciendo una estructura rígida de jerarquias entra adultos Y niños/as, entiende a estos/as últimos/as como objetos de adiestramento y no como sujeitos de derechos. El "síndrome de de alienación parental" presupone a los niños y a las niñas como entidades passivas susceptibles de ser moldeadas en sus pensamientos y sentimientos por adultos malévolos que les "introducen" ideas sin que cuente su propia percepción de realidad. Esta imagem de la niñez no solamente va en la dirección oposta de todos los estudios cientificamente validados dentros de la psicologia evolutiva, sino que contradice profundamente el espiritu mismo de la Convención Internacional por los Derechos de la Niñez". CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que etrañan las teorias pseudocientíficas como base de las decisiones judiciales, p. 5. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[50] No original: "El backlash es un movimiento conservador que intenta retroater el conocimiento logrado acerca del problema del abuso sexual infantil a la etapia previa del ocultamiento y el secreto. Es impulsado por sectores tales como la iglesia y los sectores políticos de derechas, intolerantes con el avance en las reivindicaciones de los derechos de los sectores tradicionalmente marginados, como las mujeres, los niños e las niñas. Mientras se trate de casos que involucren a sectores socioeconómicamente excluidos, la reacción no se hace sentir. Pero comienza a adquirir virulencia quando los casos denunciados involucran a personas cercanas a ámbitos de poder (jerarcas de la iglesia, empresarios, políticos). Y es a estos sectores que las teorías pseudocientíficas de Gardner les han venido como anillo al dedo. Ler permiten justificar sus abusos, contraatacando con denuncias de falsas denuncias, con insistencia en el concepto de "alienación parental" (que en realidad lo limitan a una "alienación marental") y descalificando los testimonios de los ninõs e las niñas. Ni más ni menos que una reacción tendiente a conservar un poder que perciben minguante". CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que etrañan las teorias pseudocientíficas como base de las decisiones judiciales, p. 5-6. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[51] No original: "De acordo con Faludi (1991) Backlash es un término utilizado para describir un movimiento político que nace como respuesta a los logros alcanzados por el feminismo en el reconocimiento de los derechos de las mujeres y en la visibilización y sanción pública de la violencia baseada en género. En otras palbras, sobresale como una reacción tendiente a mantener el status quo promovido por la ideologia patriarcal empleando para ello el cuestionamento de las garantías otorgadas al género femenino". "Para Faludi (1991), el Backlash constituye una reacción extrema, un contra-movimiento que nace alrededor de los años 1980, producto del descontento de ciertos grupos de hombres ante los cambios producidos por el feminismo en torno al rol tradicional de las mujeres". De esta manera, debe comprenderse el Backlash como una forme de resistencia ante el reconocimiento social de los derechos de las mujeres, ya que nace frente a las luchas por la emancipación femenina y en respuesta al problema, tanto de la violencia basada en género, como del abuso sexual infantil." " El caso particular del abuso sexual infantil, Finkellor (citado por Batres, 2010), también comparte la apreciación de que en la década de los años 1990, en Estados Unidos se consolidaron una serie de posicionamientos ideológicos reaccionarios a la defensa de los derechos humanos de los niños/niñas (Backlash), cuya presentación y cualidades divide en dos grupos: (1) el primer grupo que integra el backlash incluye a padres que han sido acusados de abuso sexual, a algunos peritos expertos, especialmente del área privada y a padres divorciados. También se encuentran aquí algunos abogados que reciben altas sumas de dinero por reunir literatura y argumentos que apoyen sus razionamentos y les permitan defender a los abusadores (...) (2) El segundo grupo que integra el backlash está compuesto por algunos "expertos" que han reunido alguna literatura no científica (argumentos estandarizados) pero ven esos razionamentos como científicos (Batres, 2010, 2-9)".  "Así, el Backlash se ha expandido por medio de diversas derivaciones, algunas de ellas son: el surgimiento de las asociaciones de padres separados, el síndrome de alienación parental (SAP) y el síndrome de falsas memorias (SFM); estas dos últimas variantes han incursionado en la esfera judicial de muchos países (Batres: 2010), originando gran confusión en los casos de abuso sexual y culminando en muchas ocasiones tanto en la desestimación, como en la absolución de los ofensores sexuales (Bruch, 2002; Rivera & Fields, 2003; Pauluzzi, 2007; Ministerio Público de Costa Rica, 2008; Paz, 2008; Claramunt, 2009)". VARGAS, Andrés Castillo; BADILLA, Ivannia Chinchilla. Bachlash y Abuso Sexual Infantil: la emergencia de nuevas amenazas a la protección de los derechos humanos de las personas menores de edad. Tradução livre a adaptada.

[52] No original: "There is a backlash in full force in our legal system against protective parents. "Protective parents" are those acting to protect their children from abuse, be it physical or sexual. Protective parents are, much more often than not, mothers. The Fathers Rights Movement has been built on the myth that evil mothers lodged false allegations of sexual or physical abuse or domestic violence against millions of fathers just to deprive and alienate them from their children". ROCKEY, Arlaine. (2003). Custody Cases: Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse. in DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[53] No original: "Although some mental health professionals and child custody evaluators, attorneys, and judges have been quick to accept and admit PAS as evidence in these disputes, especially in those that have cross-complaints alleging family violence, there has been no consistent empirical or clinical evidence that PAS exists or that the alienator´s behaviour is the actual cause of the alienated child´s behaviour towards the target parent. It is argued here that the PAS construct itself is flawed and its use by custody evaluators to justify placement with the rejected parent may result in more serious damage to the  child who is taken away from the parent to whom the child has bonded. These authors suggest that the PAS argument has been accepted by some courts that seem almost eager to punish the so-called alienating parent without regard for the immediate or long-term impact on the child". WALKER, L.E.; BRANTLEY, K.L.; RIGSBEE, J.A.; (2005). A Critical Analysis of Parental Alienation Syndrome an its Admissibility in the Family Court. Journal of Child Custody, 1(2), 47-74 in DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[54] No original: "La ‘terapia’ que propone Gardner para acabar con la supuesta ‘programación’ y que él mismo denominó ‘terapia de amenaza’ cierra cualquier salida a un niño/a víctima de abusos de escapar de la situación temida. Amenazar con encarcelar o quitar las visitas al cònyuge (usualmente la madre) con quien el niño tiene el vínculo más estrecho, fuerza a la niña/o a aceptar la relación con el progenitor litigante".  Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, p. 537. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[55] No original: "One way to prevent the misuse of PA by abusive (men or women) is to have consensus regarding the diagnosis. An abusive parent claiming that a child refusing visitation was alienation would find it difficult to show that the child manifested the behavioral symptoms required for the diagnosis of PA. However, it is relatively easy for abusive parents to claim that their children have been manipulated if there is no uniform definition of PA, and mental health professionals remain untrained regarding the identification and differential diagnosis of PA". BERNET, William; BAKER, Amy J.L.. Parental Alienation: DSM-5, and ICD-11: Response to Critics, p.5. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[56] No original: "Even therapists who accept PAS theory have advised against custody transfers to no avail in some reported cases in which seems judges have implemented Gardner´s views on their own initiative .An electronic search for all reported US cases between 1985 and February 2001 employing the term "parental alienation syndrome" revealed that PAS was present, although far fewer were willing to recommend that custody be transferred and that contact with the primary custodian be terminated." (...) "High conflict families are disproportionately represented, of course, among the population of those contesting custody and visitation. These cases commonly involve domestic violence, child abuse, and substance abuse. Many parents are angry, and a broad range of visitation problems occurs. Dr. Gardner´s description of PAS may well remind parents, therapists, lawyers, mediators, and judges of these frequently encountered emotions, and this may help to explain why his audience has often accepted PAS without question. The overwhelming absence of careful analysis and attention to scientific rigor these professionals demonstrate, however, is deeply troubling. As the following discussion reveals, this carelessness has permitted what is popularly termed junk science (pseudo science) to influence custody cases in ways that are likely to harm children". BRUCH, Carol S. Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases, pag 383. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[57] Yussef Said Cahali in Divórcio e Separação. 10ª ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2002, p. 930-1.

[58] No original: "Que las complejas y con frecuencia violentas, o cuanto menos altamente conflictivas dinámicas familiares que abocan en un litigio por la custodia de un menor, tienen que ser estudiadas específicamente es decir, caso por caso. Que el profesional de salud mental no puede ocupar el papel de dictar la verdad ou falsedad de un asunto, aspecto que corresponde al juzgado. Pero que a un tiempo, en los juzgados no deben emplearse por los equipos técnicos adscritos, y si son requeridos, por profesionales de salud mental, constructos tales como los contenidos en el SAP (ya sea bajo esta rubrica terminológica u otra) por su origen conceptual retórico más en ningún caso científico, y por ello con un enorme potencial de daño sobre menores y adultos privados de toda possibilidad de defensa (pues siendo "diagnosticados" todo intento de defensa se convierte en autoconfirmación del diagnóstico asignado). Que los argumentos que los profesionales de salud mental les aportemos a los profesionales de justicia deben basarse en literatura científicamente contrastada y no en meras repeticiones de recetas simplistas de un caso  extrapolado a otro.            Que se haga una difusión en círculos profesionales de salud mental y de justicia sobre cómo se llegó a la construcción de este supuesto síndrome de las graves consecuencias de su aplicacción y de las recomendaciones de trabajo coordinado entre campos profesionales de la salud mental y de la justicia. Que se haga una difusión en círculos profesionales de salud mental y de justicia sobre cómo se llegó a la construcción de este supuesto síndrome de las graves consecuencias de su aplicacción y de las recomendaciones de trabajo coordinado entre campos profesionales de la salud mental y de la justicia".  Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria, p. 537-8. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[59] No original: "La negativa de los/las hijos/as para relacionarse con uno de sus progenitores adquiere auténtica trascendencia en el momento en que se expresa en un juzgado y los mecanismos jurídicos y judiciales entram en funcionamento. Es entonces cuando el "no quiero" es interpretado como infundado o absurdo. Simplesmente porque expresa un sentimento de rechazo y no se traduce en una fundamentada lista de razones que no son proprias del modo de funcionamento psicólogico de niños/as y adolescentes. Nuevamente, para la doctrina de la "alienación parental" no hay que creerle a los/las niños/as, sino suponer que hay "algo detrás" de sus decisiones".CORSI, Jorge. El "síndrome de alienación parental", o el peligro que entrañan las teorias pseudocientíficas como base de las decisiones judiciales.  Tradução livre e adaptada.

[60] No original: "On the other hand, there are a variety of competing explanations that need to be explored-including the very real possibility that the children are responding to concerns based in their own experience with the parent from whom they feel estranged". National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. (2006) Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence: A Judge´s Guide (2nd edition). Reno, NV: NCJFCJ. In DALLAM, Stephanie. Are "good enough" parents losing custody to abusive ex-partners? Tradução livre e adaptada.

[61] No original: "Gardner´s assertion that the vast majority of allegations of sexual abuse in divorce are false is not supported by the research. According to Jones & McGraw (1987), false reports of sexual abuse occur in no more than 2% of cases. False reports in general, which include allegations fabricated by adults as well as false reports by children, are thought to total up to 8% of cases. This particular study is cited repeatedly in the literature because of is comprehensive nature and sound methodology (Corwin et al., 1987; Parkinson, 1990; Myers, 1989-90; Faller, 1998)". JENKINS, Suzanne. Are children protected in the family court? A perspective from western Australia, p. 7. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[62] No original: "It is not appropriate to diagnose a child with a mental illness based on the parent´s behaviour. In many cases known to the authors, both in practice an in supervision of other forensic evaluators, the child´s behaviour could have been diagnosed as an adjustment disorder with anxiety or depression. Separation and divorce often means a new home or even two homes, new schools, new friends, and new schedules. Some may have symptoms associated with neurological immaturity or dysfunction. Some may have a severe case of PSTD from what they experienced as a trauma while others in the same home observing the same behaviour regarded the situation as inescapable. The factor called ´resilience´, a hardiness that some children have and others do not, was not even listed as a consideration by the proposers of the PAD diagnosis" (p. 277) "Further, the danger of having a child receive a mental health diagnosis based on the behaviour of a parent during a high conflict or abusive custody battle is potentially more harmful than permitting the child to take a hiatus from parenting time with that parent and restoring contact at a later date, when hostilities have been reduced and fear and trauma triggers reduced. Finally, there are insufficient data to determine that rejection of a parent is harmful to the child or that the child and parent will remain disconnected over time if the child is permitted to reestablish a new safe and secure environment. What is being termed as alienation may well be a normal variant of family structure based on many variables in that particular family system and that forcing reunification may itself be more detrimental to the parent-child relationship over a period of time". Tradução livre e adaptada.

[63] No original: "an enduring erroneous claim by one parent that the other parent has engaged in behaviour designed to turn their mutual offspring against the parent making the charge". TURKAT, Ira Daniel. False Allegations of Parental Alienation, p.15. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[64] TURKAT, Ira Daniel. False Allegations of Parental Alienation, p.16. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[65] No original:"False allegations of parental alienation (FAPAs) may emerge in a variety of shapes and forms, but the end result is the same. As enduring erroneous charge that the other parent is poisoning the children against the claimant. A person making a FAPA must be viewed with serious concern given that it is not normal to promulgate untrue assertions that someone has committed child abuse. The motivations generating FAPAs have yet to be studied scientifically but it would seem useful to divide the allegations into two pertinent categories: (1) those made by persons who fully believe the FAPA; and (2) those made by individuals who know the allegations are baseless. A parent who sincerely believes the other parent is turning their mutual offspring against them when it is clearly untrue, would appear to be suffering from a delusion. A delusion is a fixed belief that does not change in the face of contradictory data. This means that the individual interprets information in the environment idiosyncratically which fits the delusional content. In other words, it almost doesn´t matter what the other parent actually says or does – the accuser has his or her interpretation and the delusional FAPA remains intact. A parent who makes a FAPA while knowing it to be counterfactual, is acting in a malicious manner. Such an individual makes the false allegations with a conscious determination to generate certain consequences. These may include trying to: 1. Hurt the other parent; 2. Modify access; 3. Isolate the children; 4. Gain a litigation-based advantage; 5. Elicit other's support; 6. Provide cover for his/her own misbehavior; 7. Eliminate perceived threat from the other parent; 8. Elevate one´s feeling of control and/or; 9. Obtain other benefits. The negative consequences for asserting a FAPA can be serious. Children may be ripped apart in loyalty conflicts, experience unnecessary damage to parental relationships, be forced to endure painful separations from a loving parent, and suffer behaviorally and emotionally. The parent falsely accused may not only bear immeasurable emotional pain and loss of relationship quality, he or she is placed on the defensive and may be forced to incur significant financial obligations in order to try to establish his or her innocence. Finally, the accuser also may face negative consequences, some of which may not have been anticipated". TURKAT, Ira Daniel. False Allegations of Parental Alienation, p.17. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[66] No original: "This issue has critical importance when reviewing Johnston, Olesen et al. (2005a, 2005b) and Johnston, Lee et al. (2005) research finding that the alienator in many of the cases they studied was not the mother, as was the court finding, but rather the father, who was an abuser alienator and who attempted to or actually sabotaged the mother´s relationship with the children" (p. 270). Tradução livre e adaptada.

[67]SOUSA, Maria Inês Costa. Regulação das responsabilidades parentais e resistência às visitas: Caracterização de processos de avaliação periciais, p. 9.

[68] "Cabe sublinhar que a presente justificação é elaborada com base em artigo de Rosana Barbosa Ciprião Simão, publicado no livro “Síndrome da Alienação Parental e a Tirania do Guardião – Aspectos Psicológicos, Sociais e Jurídicos” (Editora Equilíbrio, 2007), em informações do site da associação “SOS – Papai e Mamãe” e no artigo “Síndrome de Alienação Parental”, de François Podevyn, traduzido pela “Associação de Pais e Mães Separados’ – APASE, com a colaboração da associação “Pais para Sempre”. Também colaboraram com sugestões individuais membros das associações "Pais para Sempre", "Pai Legal", "Pais por Justiça" e da sociedade civil. (...) Para concluir, permito-me reproduzir, por sua importância e riqueza, artigo publicado no ano de 2006 pela Desembargadora Maria Berenice Dias, do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul, intitulado “Síndrome da alienação parental, o que é Isso?” In Consultado em 4/9/2014.

[69] VARGAS, Andrés Castillo. BADILLA, Ivannia Chinchilla. Backlash y abuso sexual infantil: la emergencia de nuevas amenazas a la protección de los derechos humanos de las personas menores de edad. Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos, v. 22, enero-junio 2011, p. 105-25.

[70] No original: "Lawyers, judges, and mental health professionals who deal with child custody issues should think carefully and respond judiciously when claims based on either theory are advanced." (...) "Although the use of expert testimony is often useful, decision-makers need to their homework rather than rely uncritically on experts´ views. This is particularly true in fields such as psychology and psychiatry, where even experts have a wide range of differing views, and professionals, whether by accident or design, sometimes offer opinions beyond their expertise. Lawyers and judges are trained to ask hard questions, and that skill should be employed here". BRUCH, Carol S. Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases, p. 399. Tradução livre e adaptada.

[71] Consulta realizada em 2/9/2014.

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Sobre os autores
Claudia Galiberne Ferreira

Advogada em Santa Catarina, pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela CESUSC/Florianópolis-SC. Coautora do livro "Curso de Direito Médico", São Paulo: Conceito Editorial, 2011. Coautora do texto "O novo CPC e a oportunidade desperdiçada", publicado pela Revista da Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado de Santa Catarina, v. 20, n. 26, 2013, p. 29-44.

Romano José Enzweiler

Juiz de Direito e mestre em relações econômicas e sociais internacionais pela Uminho, Portugal

Como citar este texto (NBR 6023:2018 ABNT)

FERREIRA, Claudia Galiberne ; ENZWEILER, Romano José. Sìndrome da Alienação Parental: uma iníqua falácia. Revista Jus Navigandi, ISSN 1518-4862, Teresina, ano 21, n. 4614, 18 fev. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dez. 2024.

Mais informações

Este texto é dedicado ao Juiz de Direito Edson Luiz de Oliveira, titular da Vara da Família da Comarca de São Bento do Sul/SC, ser humano de qualidades raras e que tanto enobrece a Magistratura, incentivador presente e, de muitas formas, corresponsável pelo resultado da nossa pesquisa. A versão final deste ensaio contou com a generosa leitura e argutas observações do Juiz de Direito Hélio do Valle Pereira, titular da Vara dos Feitos da Fazenda da Comarca de Florianópolis/SC e hoje no TRE/SC, seguramente uma das mentes mais brilhantes e espetaculares que há no Judiciário brasileiro. Revisão gramatical realizada pela competentíssima Profa. MSc. Maria Tereza de Queiroz Piacenti.

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