Capa da publicação O uso do equipamento de proteção individual para bombeiros durante o atendimento de ocorrências de incêndio
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O uso do equipamento de proteção individual para bombeiros durante o atendimento de ocorrências de incêndio

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Abstract: Among the activities carried out by firefighters firefighting is the most stressful by exposure to high temperatures, developing great physical effort, high sweat rates, depletion of nutrients and salts. The goal is to propose a correct replacement of water, electrolytes and nutrients, during the service of occurrences of fire, a procedure that will bring a recuperative effect and delay the onset of fatigue in the body of the firefighter. The methodology was based on descriptive and explanatory research, literature reviews, scientific articles, technical literature, specialized sites. The results obtained and conclusion is that the replacement of nutrients, water and electrolytes to recover firefighters is a measure that is consensus among researchers and physiologists and is recommended by international organizations. Included is placed as a safety issue for firefighters. The good level of fitness is a factor that is important in the recovery process, health and quality of life of firefighters.

Key Words: Fire Department. Nutrition. Hydration. Thermal Stress. Physical Conditioning.

Sobre a autora
Nilson Kuratomi da Silva

Engenheiro Civil, graduado pela Universidade Guarulhos-UnG em 2011. Aluno do Curso de Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança e medicina do Trabalho pela Universidade Guarulhos-UnG-2015.

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