7. Referências bibliográficas
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BARROSO, Luis Roberto. O Direito Constitucional e a efetividade de suas normas. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2006.
BIHALVA, Jacqueline Michels. Aplicabilidade e concretização das normas constitucionais. Porto Alegre: Editora Livraria do Advogado, 2005.
BOBBIO, Norberto. Teoria da norma jurídica. Bauru: Edipro, 2008.
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DINIZ, Maria Helena. Norma constitucional e seus efeitos. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2006.
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FERRARI, Regina. Normas constitucionais programáticas: normatividade, operatividade. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2001.
FERRAZ JUNIOR, Tércio Sampaio Ferraz. Teoria da norma jurídica. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2006.
LEITE, George Salomão. Dos princípios constitucionais: considerações em torno das normas principiológicas da Constituição. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2003.
MELLO, Celso Antônio Bandeira de. Eficácia das normas constitucionais e direitos sociais. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2009.
MIRANDA. Pontes de. Comentários à Constituição de 1967, com a Emenda n. 1 de 1969. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 1972.
MORO, Sérgio Fernando de. Desenvolvimento e efetivação judicial das normas constitucionais. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 2001.
REALLE, Miguel. Pluralismo e liberdade. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1963.
PIMENTA, Paulo Roberto. Eficácia e aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais programáticas. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 1999.
SALES, Gabriela Bezerra. Teoria da norma constitucional. Barueri: Manole, 2004.
SARDUSKI, Wojciech. Rights before courts: a study of constitutional courts in posto communism.
SILVA, José Afonso da. Aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2007.
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[1] PONTES DE MIRANDA. Comentários à Constituição de 1967 com a Emenda n. 1 de 1969. Tomo I. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 1972, p. 126-127.
[2] Cinqüenta Anos de Jurisprudência do Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemão, Coletânea original: Jügen Schwabe, Organização e introdução: Leonardo Martins, publicação: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung E.V., 2005, Montevideo, Uruguay, p. 835
[3] The view that programmatic constitutional norms can be basis of citizens claims and complaints has become dominant; the authors of the Commentary of the Law of the Constitutional Tribunal explicitly reject the view that the so called “programmatic norms” of the polish constitution cannot serve as the basis for “constitutional complaint”. As they say, a breach of a programmatic norm happens when “the legislator incorrectly interprets a provision of the Constitution that defines a particular goal or task of the public authorities, and, in particular, has enacted a statute that provides for measures that cannot lead to that goal and thus breached constitutional liberties or rights. This view (which has the authoritative backing of three judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, who jointly authored the Komentarz) effectively blurs the borderline between “programmatic norms” and “claim rights”. However, this is not the anunimously accepted doctrinal position. There is also an influential view that the issue of the enforceability of socio-economic rights should be distinguished from the issue of socio-economic rights as a ground for judicial review, and that “programmatic” rights are essentially different from claim rights. This is meant to suggest that the constitutionalisation of the right to work, housing, health care etc. does not authorize citizens to press any specific claims against the government in court, but merely imposes a duty upon the government to conduct an effective policy aimed at the fulfillment of these programmatic goals. In this sense, this rights are not directly enoforceable, or self-executing. A leading Polish proponent of this view, the late Tadeusz Zielinski, distinguished between “claim rights” and “programmatic rights”, whith the latter “difin (ing) the tasks of public authorities in the area of welfare rights of citizens”. In addition, “[a] right to work means only that a citizen has a right to assistance in finding a job by the public authorities. A right to lodging means only that a citizen is provided the opportunity to make use of policies leading to satisfying citizens needs for lodging”. However, if all there is to a right is an opportunity to benefit from whatever state policy is an operation, it is redundant to call it a “right”; it is, rather, another way of urging the government to have a policy in this field.
[4] MELLO, Celso Antônio Bandeira. Discricionariedade e controle judicial. 2. ed. São Paulo:Malheiros, 1998.
[5] REALE, Miguel. Pluralismo e Liberdade. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1963.