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Fornecimento de fraldas geriátricas: uma interpretação à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana

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ABSTRACT: The work is essentially the state's supply of geriatric diapers through the interpretation of human dignity, analyzing the conflict between the Right to Health in and the principle of reservation possible, trying the solution based on the Constitution, laws, doctrines, and jurisprudence. The study makes possible a better understanding of the competencies for the supply of inputs, demonstrating the importance of this social issue. Despite the non-existence express provision governing the dispensation of the input, it is seen that, based on the direct effectiveness or efficacy interpretative able to shall be ensure that this right is ensured. Also, the conflict between the reserve and the possible existential minimum, the study tries to show that the budget allocation will be complemented, the judge must ponder what better contemplate the dignity of the human person. Finally, will be analyzed jurisprudential perspectives, with analysis of the Superior Court, as well as the strength of the Supreme Court in appreciating the subject.

KEYWORDS: Dignity of the human person; the fundamental right to health; existential minimum; principle of reserve for possible; geriatric diapers.

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Sobre o autor
Isac da Rosa Alves

Estudante na Faculdade Anhanguera Pelotas/RS.

Como citar este texto (NBR 6023:2018 ABNT)

ALVES, Isac Rosa. Fornecimento de fraldas geriátricas: uma interpretação à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana. Revista Jus Navigandi, ISSN 1518-4862, Teresina, ano 18, n. 3689, 7 ago. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 abr. 2024.

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